Casabase is ready

We’ve been working on Casabase for the past 9 months. Based on a relational database, it resolves the issues with Essbase that lead most people to use cubeSavvy Utilities. It also uses free-form Excel retrieves, but supports Excel 2016, unlike the Essbase classic add-in.

We’re happy to announce the official production release of Casabase!

Casabase Personal Edition (PE) is a powerful aggregation and analysis tool that runs directly in Excel on your desktop machine or laptop, requiring no server component whatsoever. This doesn’t mean that your data is siloed off though! You can export databases to a file and share them (either on a shared drive or any other file-sharing method) with other Casabase users, who can easily import them. The database itself can have refreshable data sources that point to other SQL databases, or even files, ensuring that the database always contains the latest data even after being shared.

Because there’s zero infrastructure outside of Excel (we recommend Excel 2016), getting started is ridiculously simple. And to make it even easier to see the potential of Casabase, we’ve included a sample database as part of the install.  CASAsamp is already setup and configured. Based on the Microsoft Contoso dataset, it allows you to try out Casabase’s free-form retrieval, as well as get acquainted with Casascripts. In fact, the Casascripts included with the application were actually used to build CASAsamp itself.

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