cubeSavvy Utilities 5.0 – multiple configuration files

Following are the bug fixes and enhancements released in version 5.0:

  • Bug Fixes
    • Saving the results of an MDX query to a file resulting in the string “null” in empty cells. This has been corrected.
    • Some unicode characters were incorrectly represented when saving the results of an MDX query to a file.
  • Enhancements
    • UI elements on each tab are now grouped by File Inputs (which do not require an Essbase connection) and Essbase Inputs.
      Outline Extractor Essbase and File inputs

    • Reverted back to the platform-specific look-and-feel, because several users sent me comments that the Java one was bugly.

      Outline Parser File inputs only

    • Added the ability to choose which Alias table (or “All”) should be exported in the Essbase Inputs section of the Outline XML Parser tab. Previously only the default alias table was exported.
    • Ability to specify different configuration files (by far the most-requested feature).

          • As before, the cubeSavvyUtilities.conf file must reside in the config subdirectory of the cubeSavvyUtilities installation. 
          • An alternate conf file can now be specified, which can be located anywhere. 
            • An example from the new cubeSavvyUtilities.bat in the INSTALL_DIRECTORY: java -jar cubeSavvyUtilities.jar ./config/test.conf aso
          • The INSTALL_DIRECTORY/config/cubeSavvyUtilities.conf file will be used if no other conf file is specified.

      The cubeSavvyUtilities.bat referenced above also provides a reference of how to do error-checking after each call is made. The full contents are below for reference:

      @echo off
      REM first check if Java available on system. exit if not
      call :ProgInPath java.exe
      if "%PROG%" == "" (
       echo Java.exe not found in PATH
       exit /b 1
      REM The 3-character codes to pass into the jar file are as follows:
      REM code conf file       code GUI tab
      REM ---- --------------  -------
      REM aso  ASOExportParser ASO Export Parser
      REM out  OutlineParser   Outline XML Parser
      REM mdx  MDXQuery        MDX Query
      REM fil  FileFilter      File Filter
      REM xml  XMLOutlineEdit  Outline XML Edit
      REM Using the default configuration file, INSTALL_DIRECTORY/config/cubeSavvyUtilities.conf:
      java -jar cubeSavvyUtilities.jar out
      call :checkErrors
      REM Specifying an alternate configuration file (the file doesn't have to reside under the
      REM config directory):
      java -jar cubeSavvyUtilities.jar ./config/test.conf aso
      call :checkErrors
      set PROG=%~$PATH:1
      goto :eof
       REM do something here to address the error. uncomment out 'exit' below to stop after first error
       echo we got a problem here: %ERRORLEVEL%
       REM exit 1

As usual, you can download cubeSavvy Utilities here.

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