cubeSavvy Utilities – updated MDX capabilities

As promised when I introduced cubeSavvy Utilities, expanding the MDX Query functionality to handle PROPERTIES and PROPERTY_EXPR was my next task.

I’m happy to say that version 1.1, now available for download, incorporates this feature.



This version can also handle an empty Columns axis:



Or an empty Rows axis:



As you can see above, this gives you the ability to specify whatever you want in a Column or Row – and even by Dimension. Below is the MDX query from the empty Columns axis screenshot above. Note how I specify [Pkg Type] for the Product dimension property, but [ChineseNames] for Year.

SELECT {} on axis(0),
{crossjoin([100].children,{[Jan],[Feb],[Mar]})} PROPERTIES [Product].[Pkg Type], [Year].[ChineseNames] on axis(1)
FROM Sample_U.Basic

This flexibility gives you the power to control exactly what you want to see in the rows and columns. Therefore, I removed the 3 “Display Alias” checkboxes that were in the first version. Now you can let your MDX query do the talking. I love MDX and XMLA!

Happy querying!

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